Monthly Archives: November 2013

Hadiah Surga Buat Mama…


Sedih, dan berpuisi..


Sampai hari ini, langitku masih berwarna abu-abu

Sarapanku abu-abu

Tanamanku abu-abu..

Katamu, ada kabut dimataku.

Kurasa bukan Cuma kabut, tapi asap tebal.

Kata orang, angin akan membawa asap tebal menyebar ke seluruh penjuru

Mungkin Cuma air yang bisa membantuku




November rain has come with a burst from the heavy clouds

The black clouds come and hide the crying sky

My soul is dying.

November rain is falling heavy, and as the rain fall, my tears are falling too

My ego wants to force a smile, but my soul doesn’t feel the need

This sadness doesn’t taste bitter, it is sweet.


(Bekasi, 18 November 2013)


Happy birthday bro
